What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD, is an anxiety disorder and is characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Repetitive behaviors such as handwashing, counting, checking, or cleaning are often performed with the hope of preventing obsessive thoughts or making them go away. Performing these so-called "rituals," however, provides only temporary relief, and not performing them markedly increases anxiety.
Signs & Symptoms
People with OCD may be plagued by persistent, unwelcome thoughts or images, or by the urgent need to engage in certain rituals. They may be obsessed with germs or dirt, and wash their hands over and over. They may be filled with doubt and feel the need to check things repeatedly
Yes I believe it is OCD
I am CONSTANTLY turning off the lights around the house. I think this one comes from DAD always saying "turn the light off" growing up. The 2nd one is I am ALWAYS LOCKING DOORS, car doors, house doors, etc. This one comes from my MOM! Growing up, she was always asking, "Did you lock the door?". If there is a door, it is LOCKED! This could be a GOOD thing! I am always cleaning something and I believe everything has its place, some things I just haven't found their place yet! Due to CLUTTER!!! aka TOO MUCH JUNK!
have a great night, gotta go clean~ HA HA
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